Total Medals Earned: 306 (From 76 different games.) Total Medal Score: 5,785 Points
Medals Earned: 1/6 (50/500 points)
Finish the Tutorial
Jump to the Top of Noobie Island!
Get to the Top of Dark Hill
Get to the Top of Enol Hill
Get to the Top of the Twin Peaks
Climb the first 4 mountains!
Medals Earned: 2/5 (20/175 points)
You accomplished your mission, and suffered the consequences.
You failed your mission, and suffered the consequences.
Looks more like it...
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 4/15 (65/370 points)
Kill the plumber 10 times
Beat level 12 under 5 seconds
Beat level 24
Beat level 36
Check out
Like Kill the Plumber's page
Get stomped on level 1.
Touch and kill the plumber on level 4
Kill the plumber 100 times.
Beat level 10 without jumping
Kill the plumber before timer runs out on level 23
Beat all Lost Levels
Get at least 108 stars
Get all 144 stars
Medals Earned: 6/14 (60/195 points)
Beat Level 1
Beat Level 2
Beat Level 3
Beat Level 4
Read The Story
Check The Credits
Beat Level 5
Beat The Level 1 Par Time
Beat The Level 2 Par Time
Beat The Level 3 Par Time
Beat The Level 4 Par Time
Beat The Level 5 Par Time
Medals Earned: 2/27 (35/1,110 points)
Do a combo of 6!
Do a combo of 9!
Get exactly 23 dolphins and pull down exactly 9 aircraft in one run!
Do NOT hassle the Hoff!
Do NOT kill the rubber duck!
Pull down all aircraft in one run!
Pull down the DeLorean in under 5:30!
Get a score of over 2500000!
Pull down the Kaman K-MAX in under 4:50!
Kill at least 125 humans in one run!
Crush at least 100 ships in one run!
Get all kites in one run!
Get a score of over 3000000!
Do a combo of 12!
Pull down the HH-43 Huskie in under 4:35!
Pull down the Lockheed L-188 in under 5:40!
Pull down the MQ-9 Reaper in under 6:10!
Pull down the Piasecki H-21 in under 6:45!
Get at least 20 seagulls at Marina Del Rey!
Pull down the Short 330 in under 5:40!
Pull down the Sikorsky S-70 in under 3:30!
Pull down the Sikorsky X-2 in under 6:25!
Pull down the Space Ship One in under 5:30!
Get a score in between 2400000 and 2420000!
Get at least 10 window washers in one run!
Get at least 25 divers, 5 orcas, 10 banana-boats and 10 microlights in one run!
Crush 170 ships in one run without using any Super Jumps!
Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)
01101110 01101111 00100000 00110100 01101011 00100000 00110010 00110100 00110000 01100110 01110000 01110011 00100000 00110010 00101111 00110001 00110000
Medals Earned: 7/18 (85/240 points)
Destroy the Castle
Destroy the Cathedral
Kill the Kraken in under 7 seconds
Kill the royal family
Kill the sea snakes in under 7 seconds
Find 10 treasures
Kill the hydra in under 8 seconds
Crush the air ship in under 4 seconds
Kill 25 Angel Archers
Kill the dragon in under 7 seconds
Kill the Dragon Worm in under 6 seconds
Kill 500 fishes
Kill the pirates in under 3 seconds
Crush 175 ships
Kill 20 Unicorns
Kill 200 bats
Kill 22 Harpies
Kill 70 angel musicians
Medals Earned: 1/4 (25/180 points)
Get peak horniness
Look at the credits
Pace yourself well enough to get a score of 10,000 or greater.
See your name in the Hall Of Shame
Medals Earned: 4/18 (30/500 points)
Build Frankenstein's Monster
Don't skip instructions
Make 1 enemy fall with a monster piece
Squish an enemy with a monster piece
Build The Creature from the Black Lagoon
Listen to all songs
Build The Wolfman
Build The Mole Man
Build The Invisible Man
Build The Phantom of the Opera
Build Bride of Frankenstein
Make 3 enemies fall with a monster piece
Build The Mummy
Build American Werewolf in London
Collect 9 electro-tasers
Kill all enemies on screen at once with 1 acid
Build Count Dracula
Score at least 200,000 points
Medals Earned: 12/17 (280/480 points)
Crushing the balloon
Killing King Kong
Crushing the Air Racer
Crushing the Asteroid
Crushing the Coast Bomber
Crushing the Hindenburg Zeppelin
Killing Osama Bin Laden
Killing Spiderman
Crushing the tram
Crushing Donald Trump's Jet
Crushing 65 Containers
Catching 10 Baseballs
Crushin the Coast Guard Jet
Killing 28 Cows
Eating 15 Navy Soldiers